Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Erik Prince as in Prince of Darkness?

Is this man a Christian zealot who sees himself on some sort of crusade?

We should make sure to watch how this plays out over the next year or so. Iraqi courts probably can't try him or any of the other alleged murderers and there may not be a sufficient chain of evidence to prosecute him here. If he manages to evade the law, what's stopping a person with the kind of mentality he apparently has and his means from finding a way to kill innocents again?


  1. Prince is the tip of the iceberg.

    Here Bush likens the War on Terror to a Holy Crusade (BBC).

    And now we know Donald Rumsfeld was attaching Biblical quotes to Pentagon memos.

    Finally, we know many troops were being asked by religious groups in America to hand out bibles in Iraq and doing so.

    Prince is a natural up-rising of the past administration and its policies.

    I should take my video camera back to Holland in two weeks and interview people from his home town and see what they think of him now.

  2. Yes, you absolutely should. And well done with all the articles. You find all this today?
