Thursday, December 23, 2010

File this under: Takes One to Know One

I particularly like the line from Senator McConnell:

“Some have tried to portray this debate as a debate between those who support 9/11 workers and those who don’t,” McConnell said. “This is a gross distortion of the facts. There was never any doubt about supporting the first responders – it was about doing it right.

Now switch the sentence by replacing "9/11 workers" with "fighting terrorists" and "first responders" with "American troops."

Or switch "9/11 workers" with either "capitalism" or "socialism" and "first responders" with "America."

Other examples?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Paradigm Shift for Religious Right

Linked is a brief Newsweek article by Lisa Miller. Read it and then let's discuss. To warm you up, the writer is suggesting that the religious Right has shifted the focus from moral issues such as sexuality, divorce, etc. to patriotism in the form of anti-socialism, anti-big government, and anti-immigration. I'm wondering if some Christians feel disenfranchised by this shift, that is, that their religion is so political to begin with, especially on issues that are ambiguous in the Bible.