Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oxford-Style Debates

I've watched a lot of debates on tv and internet (much easier to find on the internet). Here I've found NPR's podcast section for debates on a variety of important and interesting topics:

After I listen to a few I'll comment. I would also like to compare this to how debates are carried out on cable news.



    The debate here was on new media vs old media. Old media won 68% to 24%.

    Change will be difficult.

  2. Interesting information from debate:

    1000 companies have been consolidated into 5:

    1) NBC/Universal
    2) TimeWarner
    3) Newscorp
    4) Viacomm/CBS
    5) Disney

    "bring all companies together and increase value" is the philosophy here (think Wall Street). One new media proponent stated "Ad flight for the last 20 years" is showing that these old media venues are on the way down.
