Monday, September 28, 2009

Dara O'Rourke and Consumer Reporting

He seems to be the main person responsible for this:

Let's study this and see if what we're buying is as nice as we think it is. Apparently Organic foods might night be as organic as we think (how many times can these companies perpetrate blatant lies to the public and get away with it?)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, a food can have organic in the label, but if it is not USDA organic it means nothing. Great website though. Remember in Food, Inc. when they said labels with the word "farm" in it aren't really from farms, but the word is put on the label to make people feel comfortable with their food. Michael Polland was on NPR discussing how baking companies that make instant baked goods found that women weren't buying their products because the women felt they weren't really baking. So the companies decided to have the women crack open an egg, add some water and oil and that did the trick. It was enough to make women think they were actually baking.
