Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Newspaper Assessment: La jornada

This is a segment on nuclear proliferation from a talk Noam Chomsky gave earlier this month:

He mentions La Jornada and seems to give his recommendation for it, maybe. He does say that it's independent and maybe the only independent newspaper in the hemisphere (of course none in the United States).


  1. I think the proper label would probably be World Events, since that's what we're hoping to gain from it.

    A couple questions - is this available in English? Otherwise I guess it would be a good way to make me learn Spanish.

    According to the wikipedia page, he does write for the newspaper on occasion, as does Howard Zinn. I'm a little wary that we take all newspaper recommendations from Chomsky, as that both takes our ability to choose out of the equation and subjects us to any bias he may have.

  2. As far as I can tell, he is aware of his own bias as much as any person I've ever met or seen on television/heard on radio but it's a fair point. If he has biases, we should try to list them because the more I read and hear from him, the more he's making sense to me. He's already (in my opinion) doing what I hope to be doing in 2-3 years, which is making sense of the news.

    Now you're right and what I did with the last newspaper he seemingly recommended (although he cleverly never fully endorses any newspaper for reasons we can explore on another post), the financial times, was read it myself for about 3 months. I have now recommended it to Jarrod and I'll go back and write on that specific post the details of this research I've done. What does this have to do with jornada? I'll do the same thing with this newspaper that I did with the financial times.

  3. I should maybe rephrase my point about Chomsky. Instead of "take all newspaper recommendations from Chomsky," I more intended to say "take only newspaper recommendations from Chomsky." Either way, it's for the same reason. I just don't want to be a drone for Chomsky the way we're trying to avoid being drones to the regular media.
